Baptisms or Thanksgiving for the Birth of a Child
Having a baby certainly changes life. It is indeed an astonishing experience to look into the eyes of your child and marvel and wonder about life, while giving thanks for how blessed you feel for the gift of this tiny miracle. Jesus blessed little children such as yours, and it is our desire to also do so.
This is a service of Thanksgiving for your precious child, where we welcome and give thanks for the wonder of this little creation you have been given to nurture and raise. This service is able to take place in one of our church buildings, or another space such as your home or a local park. The service includes the blessing of parents, blessing and naming of the child, and recognition of the original inhabitants of this land, on which this child will walk. It is usually around a twenty-minute service.
Baptism is the ancient rite of the Church for welcoming people of all ages into the life of the church. It includes the symbolic washing with water, the lighting of a candle, signing with the cross and making of promises before God and the congregation. Children are baptised when their parents make promises to faithfully raise their children as followers of Jesus, and parents must demonstrate such willingness through previous and on-going commitment to the Church. Baptism is therefore about making promises to live a lifestyle that includes regular worship, and living in such a way that others will know you follow Jesus. We welcome any person who wishes to consider baptism and would be most happy to discuss the process and way forward.